Authors can submit only the abstract or abstract and full paper, depending on their publishing preferences. Authors who want to publish only the abstract should send only the abstract by the deadline, while authors who want to publish the full paper should send the abstract and full paper by the deadline at the same time. All submitted abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts, while submitted full papers (with DOI number assigned) will be published in both the Book of Abstracts and Book of Proceedings.

Submissions will be reviewed continuously, so early submission is highly encouraged to ensure the committee members have ample time to review the papers. Submit a proposal by April 4th, 2025, and if your proposal is accepted, you will receive a 30 EUR discount on the early-bird registration fee.

Conference registration and submission of abstracts and full papers must be made using the online form.

Abstracts: abstracts of the papers and reports should be submitted in English (for authors from Serbia, as well as Serbian). The abstracts should be prepared in the following style and shall contain: title (font Times New Roman, Bold, Capital Letters, 14pt, centered), authors’ names and addresses (Times New Roman, Bold, 12pt, Italic, centered), text not exceeding 1800 characters (Times New Roman, Normal, 12pt, justified). The template for abstract preparation is available here: IMCSM25 abstract template*

Full Paper: Full-length papers should be submitted in English. The manuscripts should be written in MS WORD 2003 or a higher version and prepared according to the instructions for authors. MS Word template for full paper preparation is available here: IMCSM25 full paper template*

* If, during the initial review process, it is identified that that the paper is not arranged according to the instructions, the paper will be returned to the author until the form specified in the template is filled out.

The paper must be organized exactly as specified in the template instructions to speed up the review process and have it reviewed and ready for proceedings as soon as possible.