International May Conference on Strategic Management (IMCSM) is a leading international conference in the field of general management. This conference is annually organized by Management Department of Technical Faculty in Bor, University of Belgrade.
IMCSM20 was the first international conference successfully organized online at Technical Faculty in Bor
Due to the COVID – 19 pandemic the International May Conference on Strategic Management – IMCSM20 was organized on 25 – 27th September 2020, instead of May 2020. The entire conference with all supporting events were organized online – using the web conference platform provided by Zoom application.
Dear Colleagues, unfortunately during the year 2020 we were all challenged with the outbreak of the new corona virus, which is one of the most acute challenges in present days. Also, no one was certain about the extend and the period of time required to fight this disease. Preventing the spread of COVID-19 is a top priority for the international community, including the scientific community as its vital part. Accordingly, the 16th International May Conference on Strategic Management 2020 was committed to support the fight against this pandemic.
Due to the challenges regarding the COVID – 19 pandemic, the IMCSM20 conference was organized on-line and the participants presented their papers via an on-line platform. All registered participants were notified of the final schedule plan of the IMCSM 2020 conference, in due date.
The papers submitted for publication in the IMCSM20 Book of Proceedings have been reviewed and revised versions of the papers have been compiled into two issues of the IMCSM20 Proceedings by the Scientific Board of the conference:
The third issue contains papers presented at the 16th Students symposium on strategic management:
The intended date of the 16th International May Conference on Strategic Management – IMCSM20 was from May 29 – 31st, 2020 in city of Bor, Serbia. Due to the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, the new date of the conference was September 25 – 27th 2020. The Final Announcement for the IMCSM20 is available here.
The official opening of the conference was on Saturday, September 26th, followed by a plenary session, after which authors presented their papers. The platform used for communication and presentation of the papers was Zoom software for which we provided the detailed instructions:
Zoom instructions in English and Serbian
The Opening Ceremony and the Plenary Session was hosted via the Section 1 link (Meeting ID: 421 144 2780; Meeting Password: 114084).
A trial session was organized on Friday, September 25th, from 10-12 AM (GMT+2), during which presenters tested their connection and made sure everything works as expected.
Participants were advised to prepare the presentations according to the IMCSM20 presentation template which can be downloaded here.
The schedule for the online presentations, which took place on the main conference day – Saturday, September 26th is available here. Every author had an option to present the paper within the allocated Section and time slot.
All papers accepted for presentation at the IMCSM20 are published in the IMCSM20 Book of Abstracts and can be downloaded here.
The IMCSM20 Roundtables
In frame of this years IMCSM2020 conference two thematic scientific round tables were organized within special conference sessions:
- The most important factors for SMEs sustainability. Technical Faculty in Bor is implementing the project “B.O.S.S. – Be Owner of Successful SME”, funded by the European Union in partnership with the Government of the Republic of Serbia through the EU PRO program. The goal of the training planned by the Project is to strengthen the competencies of entrepreneurs and improve their business by applying information and communication technologies in the field of marketing, finance, communications and operational management. This round table took place in frame of the IMSCM20 conference, with international participation.
- Applicability of the Industry 4.0. concept in local industry as the potential for regional development. This round table gathered domestic and foreign experts in the Industry 4.0 concept, together with interested representatives of the industry, students and lecturers who want to participate in this event. The round table was organized in the format of thematic session of the conference, in which the manuscripts including the aspects of I4.0 were presented. The topics such are: artificial intelligence, machine learning, digitalization, cognitive computing and modelling, processes optimization based on smart technological devices, internet of things, machine to machine communication, cloud computing and similar were the topics of this session. Besides scientific, also the practical application of listed I4.0 concepts, with special direction toward sustainable regional development, were be the topics of this session.

Organizers of the conference are happy to announce that the International May Conference on Strategic Management is accepted to be covered by the Clarivate Analytics.
Therefore, in addition to the EBSCOhost database, IMCSM Proceedings is also covered by the Web of Science and indexed in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science.

Selected papers from the conference were be published in Serbian Journal of Management – SJM an international journal for theory and practice of Management science. Serbian Journal of Management is covered by SCOPUS, EBSCO and SCImago database (SJR = 0.27 – Q3).
Also, there was possibility to publish selected manuscripts of the conference in the journal The Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye , which is indexed in ERIH PLUS base.
Plenary Lectures for the IMCSM20 were:

Professor Dr. Valentina Gerasimenko is the head of Marketing Department at the Lomonosov Moscow State University – Faculty of Economics, Russian Federation. Her main research interests are: marketing strategies of companies in emerging markets, digitalization of management and marketing, management education etc. She is teaching: Marketing (bachelor studies); marketing in project management; pricing in marketing (master studies and MBA); market development and business strategies (doctoral academic studies). She is the head of MBA programs. Valentina Gerasimenko is the author or co-author of 36 articles published in the scientific journals, 27 papers at national and international conferences, 17 books and chapters and 19 textbooks. She is a reviewer of the conferences and scientific journals, as well as a member of the professional bodies. She was a mentor or a member of the commission of more than 150 final exams, 20 masters and 5 PhD theses, a participant of a few projects. At the conference IMCSM20 she presented the research on the topic: “Digital challenges for management and management education”.

Dr Aleksandra Sulik-Górecka is an assistant professor at the Department of Accounting, University of Economics in Katowice, Poland. Her research and teaching interests are focused on the subject of financial and management accounting. She combines the work of an academic lecturer, researcher and practictioner in an IT company. The area of her special interest is the problem of tax optimization and transfer pricing in MNEs. She participates in an international V4 project, dealing with the topic „Transfer Pricing in V4 Countries”. She is also a member of working group of Transfer Pricing Forum, operating at the Transfer Price Department at the Ministry of Finance in Poland. The topic of her plenary lecture at the IMCSM20 was: „Corporate Base Erosion and Profit Shifting out of Poland”.

Dr Jacques Bazen is senior lecturer Entrepreneurship & International Economics at the department for Industrial Engineering & Management and research fellow at the research group on Regional Economic Development at Saxion University of Applied Sciences in Enschede, the Netherlands. He also works as visiting lecturer at the Higher School of Business at Lomonosov Moscow State University in Russia and the Hochschule Osnabrück in Germany. Jacques has worked in business, as teacher in secondary education and as trainer/consultant in economic and/or society development programs (mainly in Central and Eastern Europe), before and partly also during his work in higher education. Besides teaching, he regularly develops international (applied science) study modules aimed at entrepreneurship and university-business cooperation. He has participated in at least 20 ERASMUS+ lecturer exchanges throughout Europe during the last ten years and participated in several EU and nationally funded projects for regional economic/business development. His main research interests are in monitoring spatial and economic effects of government policy (in particular on energy transition, circular economy and human capital), as well as the relation between university and society, especially on identifying the economic output of universities, for example in terms of the development of regional innovation systems or in terms of jobs created by university spin-off companies. At IMCSM20 he spook about the regional economic effects of academic spin-off companies.

Dr Dragan Pamucar is an Associate Professor at University of Defence in Belgrade, Department of Logistics, Serbia. Dr. Pamucar received a PhD in Applied Mathematics with specialization of Multi-criteria modeling and soft computing techniques, from University of Defence in Belgrade, Serbia in 2013 and an MSc degree from the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering in Belgrade, 2009. His research interest are in the field of Computational Intelligence, multi-criteria decision making problems, neuro-fuzzy systems, fuzzy, rough and intuitionistic fuzzy set theory, neutrosophic theory. Application areas include wide range of logistics problems. Dr. Pamucar has authored/co-authored over 60 papers published in SCI indexed International Journals including Experts Systems with Applications, Computational intelligence, Computers and industrial engineering, Applied Soft Computing, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Operational Research, Journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems, Land use policy, Environmental impact assessment review and research and so on, and many more. Dr. Pamucar is also the author of several professional books, in area as Operational Research and Decision making. In the year 2018, Dr. Pamucar was awarded top and outstanding reviewer for the journal numerous Elsevier journals like Sustainable Production and Consumption, Measurement, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy and so on. At the IMCSM20, he presented the research on the topic of: “Multi-criteria decision making and validation of the results”.

Dr Marija Todorović is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade. She has been engaged at all levels of education on the following courses: Management, Project management, Strategic management. In her teaching and research work, she has achieved substantial results: over 60 papers published in national and international congresses and journals, as well as several monographs. She is engaged as a reviewer for top tier journals in the field of project management and is the Associate Editor of the European Project Management Journal. She also works as a consultant; during her career, she participated in more than 20 projects, for different companies, public institutions and NGOs, engaged as a consultant, project assessor, trainer, mentor or coach. She participated in several programs of continuing education for business and management university teachers. Marija is a member of several professional bodies: Serbian Project Management Association, International Project Management Association (IPMA), and South-East Europe Project Management Network (SENET). Since 2018 Marija holds a position of the IPMA Young Crew Board Member. Her research and teaching interests are in the fields of project management, management of project-oriented societies. The topic of her lecture at the IMCSM20 was: “Circular Economy 4.0 – An Entrepreneurial Approach”.

Dr Danijela Voza is an assistant professor at the Engineering Management Department of Technical faculty in Bor, University of Belgrade. She teaches following subjects: Environmental Management, Business Ethics and Business organization. Her scientific work relates to the water resources management and application of different statistical techniques (cluster analysis PCA/FA, discriminant analysis, artificial neural networks, control charts) in order to improve water quality monitoring system and define patterns. In addition, she deals with other environmental management issues. She is author or co-author of 7 scientific papers published in SCI indexed international journals, 16 papers published in international and national journals, 11 chapters in international and national monographs and monograph studies and numerous conference articles. In January 2009, she attended and accomplished HP Graduate Entrepreneurship Training through IT (GET-IT), as an IT training program for implementing new technology in business and he became certificated GET-IT trainer. In December 2011, she spent three weeks in Umwelt-Campus in Birkenfeld (Germany), as a participant of the international project network “Entrepreneurship and Innovation”, supported by DAAD. In April and June 2018, she participated in ERASMUS+ mobility program as guest lecture at the Obuda University in Budapest, Hungary. She is engaged on national project OI (179013) supported by Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. She is member of Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia. At the IMCSM20, she presented the research related to the prediction of water quality index variations.
Conference topics were:
- Strategic management
- General management
- Industrial and facility management
- Material flow management
- Environmental management
- Management methods
- Project management
- Operational systems and technology
- Quality management
- Marketing
- Entrepreneurship
- Production management
- Production systems management
- Financial management
- Management informational systems
- Management informational technologies
- Maintenance management
- Management in practice
- Healthcare and Sport management
- Risk management
- Tourism and Hospitality management
- Agricultural and Forestry management
- Special applications of management methods
Scientific Board (SB) of the Conference:
Prof. dr Živan Živković, University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, president of the SB.
Prof. dr Ivan Mihajlović, University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, vice-president of the SB.
The members of the SB:
Prof. dr Peter Schulte, Institute for European Affairs, Germany
Prof. dr Michael Graef, University of Applied Sciences Worms, Germany
Prof. dr Jaka Vadnjal, GEA College Ljubljana, Slovenia
Prof. dr Geert Duysters, ECIS (Eindhoven Centre for Innovation Studies), Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Prof. dr Michale. D. Mumford, The University of Oklahoma, USA
Prof. dr John. A. Parnell, School of Business, University of North Carolina-Pembroke, Pembroke, USA
Prof. dr Antonio Strati, Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, Universities of Trento and Siena, Italy
Prof. dr Rajesh Piplani, Center for Supply Chain Management, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Prof. dr Musin Halis, University of Sakarya, Business and Administration Faculty, Serdivan, Turkey
Prof. dr Rekha Prasad, Faculty of Management Studies, Banaras Hindu University, India
Prof. dr Ofer Zwikael, School of Management, Marketing and International Business ANU College of Business and Economics The Australian National University, Australia
dr inż. Renata Stasiak-Betlejewska, Institute of Production Engineering, Faculty of Management, The Czestochowa University of Technology Poland.
Prof. dr Simon Gao, Edinburg Napier University, United Kingdom
Prof. dr Jadip Gupte, Goa Institute of Management, India
Prof. dr Jan Kalina, Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Prof. dr Vesna Spasojević Brkić, Universtity of Belgrade, Faculty of Machanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia
Prof. dr Milan Stamatović, Faculty of Management, Metropolitan University, Serbia
Prof. dr Jifang Pang, School of Computer and Information Technology, Shanxi University, China
Prof. dr Ladislav Mura, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Trnava, Slovakia
Prof. dr Pal Michelberger, Obuda University, Budapest, Hungary
Dr. Slobodan Radosavljević, RB Kolubara, Lazarevac, Serbia
Dr. Natalia Safronova, Institute of private and sectoral Management, RANEPA, Moscow, Russian Federation
Submission of applications for participation and abstracts in English (deadline) | 28.08.2020 |
Submission of the full text of papers (deadline) | 18.09.2020 |
Payment of the participation fee (deadline) | 18.09.2020 |
Publication: All abstracts of the papers from the IMCSM20 were published in Book of abstracts, before the conference, in the printed edition.
Also, all the papers are published in Book of Proceedings of the conference, in the electronic form (CD) and will be available for download on this page by the end of the year 2020.
Conference registration and submission of abstracts were done using online form, that will be used also for the IMCSM21 at:
Abstracts: abstracts of the papers and reports were submitted in English language (for authors from Serbia also in Serbian language). The abstracts were prepared in following style and contained: title (font Times New Roman, Bold, Capital Letters, 14pt, centered), authors’ names and addresses (Times New Roman, Bold, 12pt, Italic, centered), text not exceeding 1800 characters (Times New Roman, Normal, 12pt, justified) with margins: top and left – 30mm, bottom and right – 25mm, in A4 format (210х297 mm).
Full Manuscripts: Full length papers were submitted in English or Serbian language. Full length manuscripts were submitted to the email The manuscripts had to be written in MS WORD 2003 or a higher version and prepared according to the instructions for authors.
Preparation of the manuscripts and instructions for authors:
The manuscripts had to be written in MS Word 2003 or in a higher version.
MS Word template for full paper preparation is available here: IMCSM template.
Conference fee:
Conference fee could be payed in EURO (125) or Serbian Dinars (15 000). Payment Reference Number was assigned to each submission after completion of the online registration form at and it was sent to the corresponding author in the official letter of acceptance.
Details regarding payment in EURO:
FIELD 59: (Beneficiary Customer) /RS35840000000009279051 This is IBAN
For the payment in Serbian Dinars the following account had to be used:
Technical Faculty in Bor, Vojske Jugoslavije 12, 19210 Bor, Serbia
Account No: 840-1478666-37
All additiona information about the conference and supporting events can be obtained from: Associate Professor Predrag Đorđević, Former President of the Organizational Board of IMCSM20. University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, Management department. Address: Vojske Jugoslavije 12, 19210 Bor, Serbia Contact email: or or Professor Ivan Mihajlović, Vice – president of the Scientific Board of IMCSM20. University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, Management department. Address: Vojske Jugoslavije 12, 19210 Bor, Serbia Contact email: or or Mobile phone: +381(64)227 36 21
Official Books of Proceedings from all previous conferences are available at:
In parallel with the IMCSM20, 16th Students symposium on strategic management was organized. Students at the bachelor and master level didn’t not have to pay the conference fee. Students at the PhD level had to pay, with 50% discount.
For additional details, considering the students symposiums previously organized contact Asst. Prof. Ivica Nikolic, Former President of the Students Symposium Organizational Board:
Address: Technical Faculty in Bor,
University of Belgrade,
Vojske Jugoslavije 12, 19210 Bor, Serbia
Tel: +381(30) 424 547; Fax: +381(30) 421 078
Technical Faculty in Bor, University in Belgrade has provided its Privacy Policy in accordance to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Please make sure that you read and get familiar with the Privacy Policy. The organizers of the IMCSM conference can assure you that all of the personal data collected for the purpose of organizing IMCSM conference will be only used for facilitating the organization of the conference and for publishing of the conference materials.
If you have any concerns about how University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor is handling your personal information via IMCSM conference and if you find these actions in violation of our Privacy Policy, please contact us via email at The editorial office of the IMCSM Proceedings can be contacted via the following emails: or If we don’t receive any complaints and other kind of feedback from you regarding the Privacy Policy, we will consider that you agree to all the terms mentioned in the Privacy Policy and that you don’t find your personal data, which has been shared and collected in regards to the IMCSM, misused by the organizers of the conference.